It all started over a cup of tea and a piece of cake from Helga Stamm-Berg, when Christoph – her husband - and Dieter Speidel met with Brigitte Reichelt at her home in Frankfurt, prior to her departure for a new assignment in Somalia. The discussion focused also on networking to advise Brigitte whom she might know already in her new destination of work and who could be giving her a helping hand.
The conversation then did not take long to finally end up as well with the proposal for an ADP-ALUMNI meeting. The idea was born and implementation was agreed to follow as soon as possible.
The Akademie für Internationale Zusammenarbeit "Uhlhof" in Bad Honnef as the venue for the meeting was easy to agree on, lists of former colleagues from BMZ, GAWI, GTZ, KfW, DSE / InWent, consultant companies, Swiss Development Corporation (SDC), etc. were compiled and a programme was proposed.
Finally after a couple of months and preparation all was set to start.
In the last months after the Alumni meeting we built this website as a lasting memory to the great event and to start a platform dedicated to the collection of historical materials linked to Padang, West Pasaman and West Sumatra, Indonesia.