Meeting of Alumni of EC with West Sumatra in February 2019
Dear colleagues and friends,
The "Revisiting West-Sumatra February 2019" meeting of Alumni of Economic Cooperation with West Sumatra in the years 1969 – 2000 is scheduled now for February 15 until 22, 2019.
See the current status of planning in the NEWSLETTERS No. 4 to No. 8 in the section News & Registration
After many consultations Wolfram Hiemann, Pak Speidel and the participants agreed on the following programme:
1. Basic Tour: Padang- West Pasaman-Bukittinggi-Padang. Friday, 15.02. until Friday, 22.02.2019 (date of departure)
2. Special Tour A: Padang - Abai Siat-Padang. Friday, 22.02. until Saturday, 23.02.2018 or Sunday, 24.02.2018
3. Special Tour B: Climbing Talamau. Friday, 22.02. until Monday, 25.2., or climbing Merapi or Singgalang (one day)
4. Special Tours C, D, E, and F: short tours and events, from Friday, 22.02. until Sunday, 24.02.2019.
5.The final support ends on Monday, 25.02.2019, the projected departure date from Padang.
It is further worthwhile to take note of the following:
Hotel bookings in Padang: you will soon receive proposals for hotels we recommend. You will then have to book yourself and settle your bill individually.
Hotel bookings in West Pasaman: to be arranged by organizers. Payment of bills individually.
Hotel bookings in Bukittinggi: to be arranged by organizers. Payment of bills individually.
Meals and drinks and misc. expenses to be settled individually.
Transport: to be booked by organizers. For reasons of flexibility we would like to travel in smaller groups. Prefereably 4-10 persons/bus. Payment of a lump sum by participants depending on Tour booked.
Costs for Alumni meetings on arrival and departure. Payment of lump sum by participants.
“Revisiting West-Sumatra February 2019” is a “swadaya” initiative and does not receive any official/external funding.
What is now required?
After you have studied the options please do let us know your favorite choice.
Please download the attached document, fill out and send it back to [email protected]
The earlier you inform us, the better. For the logistic arrangements we will have to know the approximate number of participants. Who wants to take part in the train ride, should specify it. According to Pak Emwady it is difficult to obtain tickets on the weekend!